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Does My House Need Gutters?

Occasionally, I get a phone call asking if all houses need gutters.  If a house has never had gutters are they really necessary?  How come the builder didn’t include gutters when the house was built? These inquiries are usually from someone contemplating the purchase of a home that has no gutters. The answer to their question is, “Alloy Gutter Company recommends that all homes have a properly functioning gutter system.”

Gutters are a necessity for several reasons:

  • They discharge water away from the home’s foundation walls. Without proper drainage, the home’s foundation will be exposed to all the water runoff from the roof. Nobody wants a wet basement.
  • On homes that have a wide roof overhang, many people feel that gutters are not necessary because the roof water runoff is away from the foundation. However, when it rains it creates a waterfall effect along the roofline. Nobody wants a waterfall on their porch when leaving or entering their house during rainy weather.
  • Without gutters your foundation plantings take a beating. The waterfall effect will erode the soil and create a muddy mess.

How come the house never had gutters? Most likely it was simply a way to cut costs. However, why risk a wet/musty basement, a waterfall on your porch and damaged landscaping? Give Alloy Gutter Company a call and we will provide you with a quote for new gutters. Often, for less money than you think.  As a bonus, once we install your new gutter system, all of your showers will now be taken inside the house!